ISSUE 34766 — 18 January 3122

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chinese scientist in dnaccelerator trial success


hina has perfected the holy grail of evolution acceleration according to a Chinese scientist in a landmark address to the Russian Academy this morning. The technology, also known as dnacceleration, permits the extraction of genetic code sequences from living human sources to a plasma based accelotron where generational acceleration is imposed on them. There appears to be no theoretical limit to this acceleration.

When complete, the sequences are transpliced into "super embryos" where the babies are cloned naturally in a traditional cluster harvest.

The scientist, Prof Xiuxue of Wuhan University IV revealed that earlier experiments in 3112 of 1200 gen (30000 year) had failed — with a 100 per cent mortality rate amongst 92 subjects within 5 years. However, a more modest experiment of just 400 gen (10000 years) had succeeded in 21 of 107 subjects. Hatching in 3117, the second generation batch are now five years old.

The news has caused a sensation at the Academy, the world's most eminent bio-genetic academic institution. Prof Xiuxue received a standing ovation at the conclusion of a 4DV presentation featuring 16 of the subjects (five have inexplicable psychoses) and a speech (in Russian) by one of the clones.

Stunned silence greeted the news of a 2000 gen (50000 year) study scheduled to commence as early as next year.

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Governments around the world are expected to react strongly to the news that China is developing a superior race.

Early interpretations of the study imply that evolutionary change continues at a significant rate despite a lack of environmental influences. This may solve a major paradox in evolutionary theory, but at the same time creates a whole new set of problems. It is postulated that the genetic code retains a "memory" of prior evolution with an imperative to continue it.

There was clear evidence that the professor's assertions of a 400 generation evolutionary advance (approx 10000 years) are accurate. The children have almost no hair on their heads, and their ears appear about 15 per cent smaller than those of a control group. Height is 8 per cent smaller. Their language age has been rated at 11.

But most significantly, their intelligence, while difficult to assess at such an age, has shown an average increase of 27 per cent by comparison. One subject's IQ has already been assessed as being in excess of 180. She has already won several games against a Chinese chess grandmaster. In mathema6388 ||\\\\ [[[[88 213641|||]]]//

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