ISSUE 34622 — 9 August 3289

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another platform attack on manila

he President of the World, Ms Xu, has declared her full support for the new World Unemployment Plan (WUP) and will sign off the historic document as early as next month. The plan, which is startling in its simplicity yet addresses a complex issue that has proved intransigent for centuries, has been widely acclaimed by commentators and lobbyists representing a diverse range of often competing groups.

The WUP is widely expected to be a landmark document with a striking place in world history when it comes into effect on 1 January 3293, less than four year's time away. Despite the fact that it will be years before the plan is proven to be a success, analysts are already predicting that the strategic principles of the doctrine will also be able to be applied to solving the similarly formidable problems of homelessness and poverty.

The WUP is based on an equation calculated by the WCD's terollium super computer in partnership with the World Federation of Nations (WFN). From 3293, every time world unemployment rises half a percentage point (above four per cent) working hours will be reduced by 15 minutes. The prohibitive tax on overtime will be more strictly enforced in line with stricter observance of working hours. Penalties for exceeding working hours will have increased punishment and increased criminality. The current working week is 23.75 hours.

Additionally, the WFN will meet every three months to analyse the results and will have the authority to change the equation at any time. (The current plan is, however, considered to be conservative.)

A similar plan to link taxation revenue to the world poverty rate is likely to prove less popular. Under this plan, expected to be voted on at the Grand Council meeting in 3297, tax will increase automatically whenever the World Poverty Index rises above eight per cent. However, the President of the World Business Council said that the "dangerous plan would undermine a fragile world economy and risk thooo00---== ii]]]]a222 [[[""" 86... jk gya wlke wq hqq qqqq||||\\\ 300 22|]]//

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