ISSUE 27834 — 18 April 2263

Time Machine Tribune™ limited transmission via WCD Timelab gyrotron

protest threat to Brazil Air Dome

ens of thousands of organized protesters have gathered outside the Air Dome near Sao Paulo, Brazil, demanding the right to pure air for all. The protesters, some of whom are heavily armed with shoulder mounted laser piercing ray focusers, appear to be extremely well organized and prepared for a long confrontation.

The Air Dome, built by a consortium including power and industrial giants such as Mobil, Shell, General Electric and Amalgamated Atomic, has become a primary focus of protest since publication of WHO data last month indicating a bleak analysis of world air deterioration.

Resistance group Free The Air (FTA) has stated it's opposition to the dome, in particular because the dome itself is a large consumer of power and resources, as purifying air is an inefficient and energy costly process. The North American Air Dome, now America's number one tourist destination as millions queue to enjoy certified pure air, is likely to be the next target.

The FTA believes that outlawing the air domes will force governments and big business to act decisively to improve world air quality.

The FTA's mission statement denounces the use of purified air by a priveleged elite, when the money expended on that air could be better invested in rainforest regeneration, still the best antidote to air depletion.

Amalgamated Atomic CEO, Mr Hiram Holgrano said thatttto[[[[66 6667 777 7 88888 90 000000////sdr ga twar jhtw se//...

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This issue precast September 2002.


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